Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The Tortall Series by Tamora Pierce

Recently I have been unable to put down any of the books from the Tortall Series by Tamora Pierce. The series is written in quartets that focus on a specific character and the roll they play in changing the kingdom of Tortall and the surrounding countries. The series is still in progress, so I will only include the three quartets that are complete at the moment. I will include others as they are finished and I read them. See Wikipedia for more details on the series and the books in progress.

The Song of the Lioness
Alanna wants to become a knight, but only male children are allowed to train for their shields. She disguises herself as a boy and goes in the place of her twin brother. The series follows her through her training and the early years of her knighthood, a time span of ten years.

The Immortals
The story of Daine whose unusual talent for wild magic gives her a unique connection with animals. The series follows Daine for four years while she learns more animals, people, the immortals, and the kingdom in which she finds herself.

Protector of the Small
This series follows Keladry of Mindelan, the first girl try for her shield when a law is passed that allows girls to train for their knighthood. Others find it difficult to accept her as she is and she is put on probation by her training master. The series follows her struggle to accomplish her goal, gain acceptance, and put a stop to the harassing of herself and others.

Others include books about Bekkaand Aly

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